Leslie Bloch, LCSW-R currently specializes in building solid mental health for runners as well as treating body dissatisfaction and eating disorders in women and men.

She focused the first part of her therapy career on treating eating disorders and body dissatisfaction based on clinical research data and using a Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach. She strives to keep up-to-date on the most effective treatment modalities in the eating disorders field and to deliver these modalities with fidelity. Leslie is also certified to treat adolescents with eating disorders using Family Based Treatment (also known as FBT/Maudsley) by the Training Institute for Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders.

Leslie has also been intensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) with Behavioral Tech. Since 2011, she has facilitated DBT skills groups for individuals with eating disorders using the adapted form of DBT for eating disorders. She uses aspects of this modality to enhance eating disorder treatment as well as to teach mental flexibility and agility in runners.

Leslie is a graduate of New York University’s Silver School of Social Work. She completed her clinical internship at The Renfrew Center of New York where she worked in the Day Treatment and the Intensive Outpatient Programs. Prior to opening her private practice, Leslie worked for three years at Columbus Park Collaborative, a private outpatient eating disorder treatment center and Brooklyn Heights Behavioral Associates, a private outpatient standardized DBT practice. 

Before graduate school Leslie studied at and worked as the Education Director for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She also spent time working as a LEED sustainability consultant for companies and the green building industry.